Represents the ApiPivotTable class.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | string | Returns or sets a name of the pivot table. |
ColumnGrand | boolean | Returns or sets the Grand Totals setting for the pivot table columns. |
RowGrand | boolean | Returns or sets the Grand Totals setting for the pivot table rows. |
DisplayFieldCaptions | boolean | Returns or sets the setting which specifies whether to display field headers for rows and columns. |
Title | string | Returns or sets the pivot table title. |
Description | string | Returns or sets the pivot table description. |
StyleName | string | Returns or sets the pivot table style name. |
Parent | ApiWorksheet | Returns the parent object for the current pivot table. |
ShowTableStyleRowHeaders | boolean | Returns or sets the setting which specifies whether the row headers of the pivot table will be highlighted with the special formatting. |
ShowTableStyleColumnHeaders | boolean | Returns or sets the setting which specifies whether the column headers of the pivot table will be highlighted with the special formatting. |
ShowTableStyleRowStripes | boolean | Returns or sets the setting which specifies whether the background color alternation for odd and even rows will be enabled for the pivot table. |
ShowTableStyleColumnStripes | boolean | Returns or sets the setting which specifies whether the background color alternation for odd and even columns will be enabled for the pivot table. |
Source | ApiRange | Returns or sets the source range for the pivot table. |
ColumnRange | ApiRange | null |
RowRange | ApiRange | null |
DataBodyRange | ApiRange | Returns a Range object that represents the range of values in the pivot table. |
TableRange1 | ApiRange | null |
TableRange2 | ApiRange | null |
GrandTotalName | string | Returns or sets the text string label that is displayed in the grand total column or row heading in the specified pivot table report. |
RepeatAllLabels | boolean | Specifies whether to repeat item labels for all pivot fields in the specified pivot table. |
RowAxisLayout | object | Sets the way the specified pivot table items appear — in table format or in outline format. |
LayoutBlankLine | boolean | Sets the setting which specifies whether to insert blank rows after each item in the pivot table. |
LayoutSubtotals | boolean | Sets the setting which specifies whether to show subtotals in the pivot table. |
SubtotalLocation | number | Sets the layout subtotal location. |
PivotFields | ApiPivotField[] | Returns all pivot fields in the pivot table. |
ColumnFields | ApiPivotField[] | Returns an array that is currently displayed as column fields in the pivot table. |
DataFields | ApiPivotField[] | Returns an array that is currently displayed as data fields in the pivot table. |
HiddenFields | ApiPivotField[] | Returns an array that represents all hidden fields in the pivot table. |
VisibleFields | ApiPivotField[] | Returns an array that represents all visible fields in the pivot table. |
PageFields | ApiPivotField[] | Returns an array that is currently displayed as page fields in the pivot table. |
RowFields | ApiPivotField[] | Returns an array that is currently displayed as row fields in the pivot table. |
- AddDataField
- AddFields
- ClearAllFilters
- ClearTable
- GetData
- GetPivotData
- GetPivotFields
- PivotValueCell
- ShowDetails
- RefreshTable
- Update
- SetRepeatAllLabels
- SetRowAxisLayout
- SetSubtotalLocation
- RemoveField
- MoveField
- Select
- GetColumnFields
- GetDataFields
- GetHiddenFields
- GetVisibleFields
- GetPageFields
- GetRowFields
- GetName
- SetName
- GetColumnGrand
- SetColumnGrand
- GetRowGrand
- SetRowGrand
- GetDisplayFieldsInReportFilterArea
- SetDisplayFieldsInReportFilterArea
- GetDisplayFieldCaptions
- SetDisplayFieldCaptions
- GetTitle
- SetTitle
- GetDescription
- SetDescription
- GetStyleName
- SetStyleName
- GetTableStyleRowHeaders
- SetTableStyleRowHeaders
- GetTableStyleColumnHeaders
- SetTableStyleColumnHeaders
- GetTableStyleRowStripes
- SetTableStyleRowStripes
- GetTableStyleColumnStripes
- SetTableStyleColumnStripes
- GetSource
- SetSource
- GetColumnRange
- GetRowRange
- GetDataBodyRange
- GetTableRange1
- GetTableRange2
- GetGrandTotalName
- SetGrandTotalName
- SetLayoutBlankLine
- SetLayoutSubtotals
- GetParent